In commemoration of the World Osteoporosis Awareness Day Programme 2021, the Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism organized an essay and Poster Competition titled – "Take Action for Bone Health - Can We Prevent Osteoporosis?” for the staff and students of CMC on 16th October, 2021.
The posters were judged by Dr. Suchita Chase, Professor, Department of Surgery Unit–IV, Dr. Selvamani, Professor and Head, Department of Radiation Oncology Unit–III, Dr. Binu Susan Mathew, Professor and Head, Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Dr. Rita Ruby Anbuselvi, Professor and Head, Department of ENT Unit–V, Dr. Kalaranjini, Professor and Head, Department of Paediatric ICU and Dr. Ramya, Professor and Head, Department of Medicine Unit–V, Vellore. A total of 94 Posters, 81 English Essays and 60 Tamil Essays were received for evaluation. 14 prizes were awarded for the Poster, 15 prizes for the English Essay and 11 prizes for the Tamil Essay competition.
In commemoration of the World Osteoporosis Awareness Day Programme 2020, the department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism organised an essay and poster competition titled – Rejuvenating Bones and Suppressing Groans for Staff and students of CMC on 20th October, 2020. The posters were judged by Dr. Surekha, Professor, Department of Geriatrics and Dr. Punitha, Associate Professor, Department of Medicine.
The winners of poster competition :
The first prize went to Ms. Sweatham, Accident and Emergency Department, the second prize to Ms. Pauline Prathana. J, Q3 ward and the thrid prize to Ms. Komathi D.G.S, N1 Ward. The best creativity prize went to Ms. Catherin.H, KICU and the runner-up was Mr. Victor Selvakumar, A2 Ward.
The winners of english essay competition :
The first prize went to Ms. Gajalya. G, A7 ward and Ms. Agnes Vincy, P2 ward. The second prize went to Ms. Shalini. S, MHDU and Ms. Mary Jenifer, Labour Room.
The winners of tamil essay competition :
The first prize went to Ms. Arivukodi. V, Q3 ward and Ms. Catherin H, KICU. The second prize went toMs. Rajeshwari. M, Q3 Ward and Ms. Maheswari. S, Pharmacy.
In commemoration with “World Osteoporosis Day - 2019”, an awareness programme was conducted by the Departments of Endocrinology, Orthopedics and Spine surgery, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Geriatrics, Dietetics and community nursing on 18th October, 2019.
The programme was inaugurated by Professor J.P. Muliyil, former principal of CMC, who emphasized on the importance of exposure to sunlight which can improve the intake of vitamin D. A team of doctors educated the patients in English, Tamil, Hindi and Bengali. S talls were put up which focused on different aspects of dealing with osteoporosis including nutrition, exercise programmes, medical treatment of osteoporosis to prevent fractures and post surgery management of osteoporotic fractures.
Essay competitions in Tamil and English were conducted on the theme “Preventing Fractures in the Elderly - Making it Easy” and a Poster competition was also held on the topic “Broken Bones may Break Society”. A total of 430 patients registered for the programme and prizes were awarded for the winners of the competitions.