To set up Diabetes Clinics and Infrastructure in various parts of India, particularly rural India and areas with lower GDP and improve Diabetes awareness amongst the public and health personnel in these areas. Providing high Quality Diabetes care services in your Hospital
The Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, CMC, Vellore, Schieffelin Leprosy Research and Training Center (SLR & TC), Karigiri and have undertaken a project supported by World Diabetes Foundation (WDF), Danida to help the Christian institutions develop high quality diabetes care services. This project will train 100 hospitals across the country and in 20 community health centers. Diabetes is increasingly being recognized as a public health problem in India. India today leads the world with the largest number of persons affected by diabetes. Its prevalence is about 3 % in rural areas and around 11 % in urban areas is recognized as are the complications that go with it. The proper management of diabetes can significantly reduce complications in the long term. One of the common complications that frequently goes unrecognized is loss of sensation in the feet, resulting in frequent occurrence of ulcers leading to amputations. This project therefore, aims to strengthen four specific aspects of diabetes care:
Training of the Doctors and Nurse Educator will be done by the Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, CMC, Vellore coordinated by Dr. Nihal Thomas. The training in community health education, foot care and orthopedic shoe-making services will be done by Schieffelin Leprosy Research and Training Center (SLR & TC), Karigiri, about 20 kms form Vellore, led by Dr. Abraham Joseph. Participation in the project for the hospital would make a significant contribution to mission hospitals in the way their diabetes patients are treated and managed. It would imply:
The Doctors and Diabetes Nurse Educators training programme continues as before, beginning from inviting them to attend the programme and ending with a final programme to go and set-up their Diabetes Clinic to manage Diabetes, create awareness and to prevent the Diabetes in their localities and the regions close to them. The major achievement till date is that 94 hospitals have been trained and around half of them are functioning. 544 doctors and 121 Diabetes Nurse Educators have been trained and are providing their services to the people with diabetes in their Hospitals and the community.

Location – Makunda , Assam A hospital located in a remote part of eastern Assam populated by many tribal people

location : Presbyterian Hospital, Durtlang- Mizoram

Location: Shillong - KJP Hospital, Shillong, Meghalaya

Foot care by Diabetic Nurse
Diet Counselling
Location – Paduva Hospital , Trichur , Kerala
Catholic mission Hospital 16 km from Thrissur 50 beds rural Hospital
Feet examination
Location – Gadag , Karnataka

Monitoring Visit
We have visited 14 hopitals which have set up diabetes clinics, ward settings and laboratories in an attempt to achieve the World Diabetes Foundation norms. Continuing Medical Education for both the Doctors and Nurses of the Hospital were conducted during the site monitoring visits focusing on the Diabetes prevention and management. Following the inspection, meeting was organized with the WDF trained Diabetes team and the senior management of the Hospital. The evaluation of the inspection report was presented to them and suggestions were given for further improvements. Educational CDs on Diabetes, Practical guide to DM, Patient Educational CDs and Glucometers were given.
If you are willing and interested to participate in the Quality Care Initiative training programme, please do let us know through mail or phone contact.The following are the details of the training programme:
Eligibility Criteria:
Personnel | Qualification | No of persons |
Doctors | MBBS or MD possessing adequate leadership qualities | 1 |
Diabetes Nurse Educator | Diploma or B.Sc. Nursing with a Leadership Quality and a sense of flexibility and imagination. | 2 |
Footcare Technician | BPT or a Nurse | 1 |
Orthopedic Shoe maker | 8th or 10th pass | 1 |

For details
Dr. Nihal Thomas Professor, Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism Deputy Medical Superintendent, Christian Medical College Hospital, Vellore-632004 India.
Email: Ph : 91-416-2282528 / 2282491(work) 91-416-2214780(home) or 416-2282413 98431-11996(Mobile) / Fax No: 91-416-4200844 Email: Ms. Ruth Ruby Murray - 09994746927 Mr. Mohan - 099894250795
Copenhagen University Collaboration on: Low Birth Weight and the risk of glycaemic disorders as assessed by glucose-insulin clamp studies, indirect calorimetry and Hydrogen Nuclear magnetic spectroscopy. 2006-2009. (PI)- Dr Nihal Thomas.
Equipment Unique to this LAB are listed below
- Study of Immunogenetic Pattern in Type 1 diabetes in South India - Dr Nihal Thomas , Dr Senthil Vasan.
- Bone mineral density and vitamin D status in subjects who are on long term anticonvulsant medication. Thomas V Paul P, TGK
- Bone mineral density and vitamin D status in postmenopausal subjects who are admitted with Hip fracture. Dr Thomas V Paul.
- Bone mineral density and vitamin D status in patients infected with HIV infection who were on HAART therapy. Dr M S Sheshadri , Dr Thomas Paul , Asha H S,
- study of Immunogenetics of gestational Diabetes and New borns and Offsprings born to Diabetic Mothers - Dr Nihal Thomas , Dr Senthil.Vasan
- Study on Prevelance of Metabolic syndrome in young asian Indian . Dr Nihal Thomas , Dr Senthil Vasan
- Vitamin D Status and Calcium Metabolism in Ambulatory patients on Antiepileptic Drugs. Dr George koshy
- The burden of Osteoporosis in healthy males more than 40 years of age and the Influence of life style factors, Calcium intake and Vitamin D status on Bone Mineral Density from a suburban region in South India. Dr Suresh Prabhu
- Assessing Energy Expenditure in patients with Fibro Calcific Pancreatic Diabetes to help in determining dietary Calorie requirement. Dr Dr Kishore Kumar Behera.
- Prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and other risk factors in patients with acute Hip fracture.Dr Sivan Arul Selvan.
- Establishing the significance and correlation of Homa, Quicki, Fgir, Matsuda and McAuley's Indices with hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp in young South Indian males.Dr Rachaprolu Spurgeon
- Body Composition and Metabolic Abnormalities in HIV infected Men. Dr Asha HS