Project HOPE (Health Opportunities for People Everywhere) was founded in 1958 by Dr. William Walsh. He was moved by the poor health conditions he saw in the South Pacific and decided to work towards bringing basic health care and health education to deprived areas of the world. Today Project HOPE is a large funding agency which plays a major role in health care support. The current vision of Project HOPE, which is now 60 years old, is to have an impact on the modern endemic crisis of diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Health care providers depend to a large extent on information dissemination and patient awareness when it comes to chronic diseases. Project HOPE has empowered the Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism of Christian Medical College, Vellore to train 400 counsellors in the skills of diabetes education for patients on a one-to one basis and through group education. The programme has now been running for the last 18 months and 75% of the targets have been achieved. The Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism has been able to translate this into a programme where educators are trained over a six month period through three contact programmes, a series of assignments, theory and practical examinations. The training is highly subsidized by Project HOPE and teaching material and books are provided. Nurses have been the main target for training, given the excellent nursing services that CMC has. Physiotherapists and dieticians are also trained. Those from remote and rural areas and mission hospitals are entitled to additional travel and accommodation grants. The training programme has been certified by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF).
The doctors' training programme, which was initially started by a grant from the World Diabetes Foundation, runs alongside. Through the support of the Department of Distance Education, this programme has grown, and has 12 teaching modules and 20 videotapes on various aspects of diabetes mellitus. Training through teleconferencing link has commenced for candidates from South Africa and Nepal. A training programme for the 13th batch of educators was recently held. Eighteen candidates participated in the second contact session. The network that the Department of Endocrinology has acquired through Project HOPE and the World Diabetes Foundation has enhanced its linkages with the International Diabetes Federation (IDF). A special grant for young adult diabetics between the ages of 15 and 30 years supports them in their treatment. Project HOPE and the Endocrinology Department have also focussed on foot care training and the development of the Diabetes Foot Clinic through the seed grant provided. This integrated service runs through the Departments of Endocrinology, Vascular Surgery and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Special foot care camps in rural areas have been conducted in liaison with the College of Nursing.

Training Diabetes Councilors for India- THE VELLORE MODEL The India Diabetes Educator Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, Christian Medical College, Vellore & Project HOPE
Aims and objectives:
To achieve sustainable advances in health care around the world by implementing health education programs and providing humanitarian assistance in areas of need.
- Phase-I : Master trainers training 6 days.
- Phase-II : Training of the candidates. Nurses, Dieticians, Physiotherapists.
- Induction : 2 day program, introductory classes on diabetes.
- Workshop –I : 3 days, Discussion of diabetes related problems.
- Workshop-II : 2 days review classes, assessment of Knowledge and practical skills.
The project aims to improve the awareness about diabetes in the county by training diabetes educations and to encourage individuals with diabetes to actively participate in the management of their diabetes to improve long term outcome.
Diabetes Educators: