Edition Details
- First Edition : 2015 | ISBN No.9789351528494
- 2nd Edition : 2019 | ISBN No.9789352706983
Dr. Simon Rajaratnam, MBBS, MD. DNB (Endo), MNAMS, FRACP (Endo), PhD (Endo), FRCP (Edin)
Dr. Anulekha Mary John, MBBS, MD, Fellowship (Endo),
Publisher: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers
Overview: Prof. Simon Rajaratnam

This handbook focuses on endocrine protocols. Endocrinology is the field of hormone-related diseases. An endocrinologist can diagnose and treat hormone problems and the complications that arise from them. Endocrinology focuses both on the hormones and the many glands and tissues that produce them. This handbook consists of 8 chapters, which include clinical biochemistry, evaluation of endocrine disorders, endocrine test protocols, treatment protocols, endocrine emergencies, diabetes protocols, common calculations and scoring systems, and drug doses. The Biochemistry reference ranges mentioned in this book are taken from the Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Christian Medical College, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, and India. The section on endocrine test protocols is specifically written as to enable these tests being performed as Day Care, with all the patients coming in by 8 AM. The treatment protocols in this book are meant only for adult patients and these should not be extrapolated for pediatric patients. This book only helps enhance our starry-eyed gazed of this beautiful science.
Prof. Dr. Simon Rajaratnam,
MD., MNAMS, DNB (Endo), FRACP (Endo), PhD (Endo), FRCP (Edin),
Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism,
Christian Medical College Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India.
Foreword : Prof. Nihal Thomas

The beginning of any good book is like the source of a river on top of a mountain. The view from there is magnificent, the water is clean and a cool-breeze kisses you skin as you gaze at the swirling ripples cascade down into the valley. Akin to this allegory, is the opportunity that I have had when reviewing the contents of this book. Just as a few thousand readers have had the chance to gain knowledge from this little min-encyclopedia on endocrinology through the first edition; so may many thousands more refresh themselves in their few precious moments that follow the many hours of toil and work in their busy days as clinicians, therby enabling them to fill in the missing links and gaps in their knowledge. Having an approach and algorithm to medical disorders and diseases is extremely important to help in the development of a robust differential diagnosis and an accurate therapeutic plan.
With the increasing diversity of clinical endocrinology being supported by a rapidly growing armamentarium of diagnostic tests, the tendency for an experienced clinician is to assume that what has been known and is time tested is a foregone conclusion of being precise. However, knowledge needs updation to supplement experience-based wisdom. Similarly, therapeutic agents have also undergone a certain degree of advancement and evolution. Their availability may vary from continent to continent. Taking this into account, the authors have spent many months in trying to modify chapters to suit the needs of the practicing physician in South Asia. The wonder that one experiences when practicing clinical endocrinology is like that of a child taking a tour in a zoological park. This book only helps enhance our starry-eyed gazed of this beautiful science.
All-in-all Drs Simon Rajaratnam and Anulekha Mary Jhon have burnt the midnight oil in manufacturing a top class product. As our finger tips caress the margins of the pages, I am certain that pages will turn brown, through use and reuse, and like any book which stands the test of time as a classic, the binding may loosen as an indicator of excellence.
Once again I wish one and all: “Bonne Lecture!:”
Prof. Dr. Nihal Thomas,
MD., MNAMS, DNB(Endo), FRACP (Endo), FRCP(Edin),
FRCP (Glasg), FRCP (London), FACP, Ph.D (Copenhagen),
Professor & Head Unit-I,
Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism,
Associate Director,
Christian Medical College Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India.